Are Pleased to show Our Most recent Apple iPod nano 2 GB Black (1st Generation) OLD MODEL To You
You may be thinking the world has too many items just like this one, and why must I upgrade the one I currently have inside my home with this one. Certainly as among the finest brand names around we've added a lot of impressive characteristics to the current product that will change your mind. When you notice the various benefits this Apple iPod nano 2 GB Black (1st Generation) OLD MODEL has to offer you will probably immediately want to sell your outdated one and buy this brand in its place. It's got a lot of additional features which the outdated one was without.
One of the other wonderful aspects of this Apple iPod nano 2 GB Black (1st Generation) OLD MODEL will be it's latest low price as others identical to it might be twice the cost of ours. Price is one thing you will not need to contemplate with this item. When searching for products like this, level of quality is essential, but with manufacturer you probably will not need to worry concerning the quality of this item because we've added in a lot of characteristics that may amaze and excite you. This product is the perfect decision and is far better than several equivalent products.
we've paid attention to the tiniest feature in our product even though we know that producing a choice amongst our items and many others can often be difficult, however it is definitely the best one you are going to possibly make by getting this product. When you realize the newer impressive functions we have added in you should understand you made the right selection by ordering our Apple iPod nano 2 GB Black (1st Generation) OLD MODEL.
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $149.99
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Availibility : N/A
Includes: earbud headphones, USB cable, dock adapter, & iTunes for Mac and Windows. Apple 2GB iPod nano - Come one, come all and witness the incredible shrinking iPod! With the nano, Apple introduces the latest member of the highly successful iPod family of digital audio players. The nano is aptly named since it's a fraction of the size of it's larger iPod cousins. It has the width of a pencil and comes in at a feather-light 1.5 ounces. For Apple's next trick, they've taken this new diminutive iPod and added all of the features of a regular iPod. You get a bright full color display, Apple's famous click wheel, and up to 14 hours of battery life. With that said, take a peek behind the curtain and be amazed at the rest of what the iPod nano has to offer. Connector for optional dock Stereo Minijack Hold Switch Charge Time - about 3 hours (1.5 hour fast charge to 80% capacity) Audio Support - AAC (16 to 320 Kbps) / Protected AAC (from iTunes Music Store) / MP3 (16 to 320 Kbps) / MP3 VBR / Audible (formats 2, 3, & 4) / Apple Lossless / WAV / AIFF Photo Support - JPEG / BMP / GIF / TIFF / PSD (Mac only) / PNG Sync & Charge via USB Cable Adjust audiobook playback speed Create multiple on-the-go playlists Shuffle songs or albums Repeat one or all 20 Equalizer settings Backlight Timer Display Contrast Alarm - On / Off / Silent Sleep Timer Date & Time Display time in menu bar Color - Black Supports - Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later, Mac OS X v10.3.4 or later Unit Dimensions - 3.5 x 1.6 x 0.27 Unit Weight - 1.5 ounces
- 2 GB model stores up to 500 songs; supports AAC (16 to 320 Kbps), Protected AAC, MP3 (16 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible
- Only .27 inches thin and 1.5 ounces, with a bright color display
- Up to 14 hours of music playback; up to 4 hours of slideshows with music
- Comes with earbud headphones, USB cable, dock adapter
- Compatible with Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 or later, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later
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